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  • Sunday School      10:00 AM

  • Sunday Worship   11:00 AM

  • Sunday Evening      6:00 PM

  • Wed. Evening          7:00 PM

  • Canton Place                          - 4th Tuesday  Monthly​
  • Ladies Meeting                       ~ Monthly 

  • Men's Prayer Breakfast        ~ Quarterly                                                                 



Cornerstone Baptist Church is a growing, conservative, traditional style church.  We are currently located in Canton, Michigan.  We invite you to come out and visit us for any of our services.  When you arrive you will experience a warm friendly greeting, music that is heartfelt and uplifting, and a message from our preacher, right from the Word of God.  We hope you will take the time to visit us soon and see what Cornerstone Baptist Church is all about!



We seek to reach those that need to change their eternal destination.  The Bible clearly describes two places, one called Heaven, the other called Hell.  The Bible compels us to reach out to people that need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Once a person receives Jesus into their heart and life, they are on a new road with a new eternal destination ~ Heaven.  You can learn more about Heaven on our "Heaven" link. 


We also seek to lift up and encourage the Christian.  Through the services and our outreach ministries we encourage members to get involved and to grow in the knowledge of the LORD.  If you are saved and looking for a place of service, we can use you!  Please be sure to talk to the pastor about church membership and what talents you can share with the church family.

Prayer News

Pray for those who are in the Hospital, sick at home, in need of jobs.










See the Calendar tab for future events.




Please Pray for our Missionaries. They need our prayer support everyday.

Scripture to think on:

Father's in the Bible Quiz  



Q1) What man in the Bible had no Father?

(ha ha ha)


Q2) What Father prepared his son to be a sacrifice?


Q3) Who does James say is the source of "every good and every perfect gift"?


Q4) Honour thy father and thy mother' is one of the ten commandments. Which one?


Q5) Who was the father of David?

-Saul -Samuel -Jesse -Jonathan



Answers below:
















A1) Joshua the Son of Nun / EX. 33:11

A2) Abraham  /Gen 22:9

A3) Father of Light /James 1:17

A4) # 5 /EX 20:12

A5) Jesse /1 Sam 17:17

















                                                                                                                                                                                          Webmaster: In Loving Memory of NIckie Leinonen

                                                                                                                                                                                           ©2014 Cornerstone Baptist Church       

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